Peter Eggink – Mutation

You remove one “prediction” card from the pack and the spectator is asked to sign her name on its back. The card is then isolated UNDER the cellophane wrapper of your card case. Next, the spectator selects a card – let’s say she picks the 3 of Spades. You show your prediction card under the cellophane wrapper and… it’s the 2 of Spades – the mate!

Predicting the “mate” of the selection is pretty nice… and since there’s only ONE 3 of Spades in the pack, the 2 of Spades would be the next best thing… unless you’d be able to actually “clone” a mutation of their card…

With ZERO MOVES the bottom pip of the 2 of Spades is now magically CLONING itself and ANIMATES across the surface of the card, creating the 3 of Spades!!!

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