Designing Miracles by Darwin Ortiz (Book)

The Most Important Book On Magic Theory Since Strong Magic!

In Designing Miracles, Darwin Ortiz continues the task he began in Strong Magic: to explore and raise the level of craft in magic. This time he presents a groundbreaking study of how laymen think and what it takes to amaze them.

Darwin has earned a reputation for creating some of the strongest card effects in modern magic. In Designing Miracles, he reveals for the first time the principles and techniques that he follows in doing so. These insights will help you choose stronger effects, create stronger effects, and strengthen those effects that you’ve already performing.

If you’ve ever been puzzled by an audience’s reaction or lack of it, this book will dispel the mystery. It gives you a new set of tools for understanding how magic works, why it sometimes doesn’t, and how to make it work better. Never again will you be at a loss as to why an effect isn’t playing well. Never again will you be at a loss as to what to do about it.

If your goal is to provide your audiences with an unforgettable experience of impossibility, you’ll find Designing Miracles filled with insights to help you do so. It will teach you how to use the audience’s own thinking patterns against them. It will show you how to turn puzzles into miracles. It will do something that few magic books can: change with way you think about magic.

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Bruce Cervon – Ultra Cervon

Ultra Cervon - magic

Bruce Cervon’s magic will strike your audiences like a bolt of lightening. The text and photos clearly explain everything you need to know in great detail, with telling tips and touches to help you get maximum reactions from your audiences. Included are Warped, a trick that fools everyone; Free Turn Pass – a revolutionary pass technique; Cut & Restored Rope – great method; To Pay the Price – comedy poker demo … plus much, much more.

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La Magia de Ascanio 1,2,3

Te invitamos a descubrir un trabajo profesional con la teoría ascaniana, su filosofía mágica, y además toda su Cartomagia, incluidas las últimas versiones nunca escritas de sus soberbios -casi legendarios- juegos, con las descripciones de técnicas jamás publicadas.

Más de treinta juegos inéditos. Los libros que Arturo hubiese querido publicar. Un homenaje al Maestro. Todo su material reunido: lo que estaba en vídeos, revistas, conferencias, conversaciones con otros magos, un montón de material inédito, las notas personales que Arturo escribía para sus charlas, ahora limpias, claras, completas.

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Trickshop – Marked Deck

Pro Marked Bicycle Deck System

Mark your own decks like a pro. Learn how to mark your own Bicycle deck using the same professional system used by magic shops. No messy inks or colors to match. A simple, inexpensive tool available at any office supply or art or craft store is all you need. Our illustrated instructions show you step-by-step how to mark all suits and values. Two-way system works with both red and blue backed decks, and enables cards to be read from the top or bottom. Instructions sold for entertainment purposes only.

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Sachs Sleight of Hand First Edition

Sleight of Hand: Practical Manual of Legerdemain for Amateurs and ...

“If ever there were a more classic tome for beginners of general sleight of hand, I am not sure what it is. This book has been around for 131 years, has stood the test of time and is now considered a standard/must-have book for beginners. Even intermediate and professional magicians can find things and information of use in this book. 5 stars.

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Darwin Ortiz – Lessons In Card Mastery

Lessons in Card Mastery by Darwin Ortiz

Among Darwin Ortiz’ many fans, the only question is which of his card books is the best:  Darwin Ortiz at the Card Table, Cardshark, or Scams & Fantasies with Cards.  Now there is a new candidate:  the aptly-named Lessons in Card Mastery.
This time the accent is on uncanny displays of card control. You’ll display physical control by cutting to a selected card with just one finger, trapping two selections in a shuffled deck, displaying mastery at Texas hold’em, instantaneously producing an entire suit, making the deck sort itself into reds and blacks, and causing all fifty-two cards to rearrange into perfect suit and number sequence.  You’ll display mental control by diving cards under impossible conditions and memorizing a deck in a matter of seconds.

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Principia by Harapan Ong

Principia by Harapan Ong - Book

Singapore’s Harapan Ong has caused an online sensation with his technical abilities. Videos began to circulate some years ago from a pair of hands doing extraordinary things. His style is natural, unassuming, and soft. But Aces appear, selections transpose, and magical things just seem to happen in Harapan’s hands.

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