Kayfabe by Max Maven

Kayfabe‘ means secret, and the latest DVD album from the Essential Magic Collection contains many. Some of these secrets have been kept by Max Maven for forty years. They are incredibly powerful professional routines with entertaining narratives, slick staging and a devious approach to method. Let’s take a look at the contents of the 4 DVDs:

In COGNOMEN, Max divines the name of a celebrity thought-of by a spectator. We cannot stress how wonderful and practical this routine is. It requires the simplest of props. There is no pre-show. It can be played to the largest audience. And has all the drama and interaction that makes it an enthralling piece. A fabulously practical routine described in full detail.

SPY STORY, in which a spectator joins you in an adventure in espionage as a location, time, an amount of money and a shape are chosen. All four have been predicted in the mission instructions given to your spy. You’ll love the finesse that Max brings to this item.

RORRIM is a stunning coincidence effect, a stage routine in which you become the spectator’s doppelganger. Under test conditions, he chooses two cards and places each in one of his pockets. Despite the utter freedom of the procedure, you reveal not only the cards but also which pockets he placed them in.

ABOUT FACE is an applause-pulling psychometry routine in which you correctly guess which spectators made which drawings. A direct method, entertaining premise and smart staging have made it a strong item in Max’s repertoire for many years.

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