Mike Clark – Revise 5

Revise 5 is a color changing pack of gum where not only the front of the pack changes colors, but the gum inside changes along with it. In fact, FIVE great changes occur! (1) The front of the package turns from blue to red. (2) The blue gum turns into red gum. (3) The front turns from red to green. Still with me? CRAZY!! (4) The red gum turns to green gum. AND (5) If that’s not enough, the green gum VANISHES!

Revise 5 comes with several solid routines:

Trio-Mint: Gum pack is entirely blue, and slowly and visually changes to red. Once it’s red, it instantly and visually changes back to blue. Just when you think the magic is over, the entire pack makes one last color change to green!

Flash-Mint: A quick and visually stunning change from a blue pack of gum to a green pack of gum. This isn’t just a 2 color change trick — the way it happens so quickly leaves your eyes almost cross-eyed!

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