Resigned to Miracles by Peter Groning (Ebook)

If you were secretly given a playing card that had the genuine signature of someone in your audience, and no one knew or even suspected it existed, would you have a use for it? We thought so. And what if the method for obtaining this signed card happened to be an incredibly strong, 100% practical card effect? And what if the only props you needed to do all this were playing cards and a normal marker? No expensive or soon-outdated high-tech. And what if this utility principle and trick came with a number of other incredibly strong, utterly impossible-seeming card tricks using spectators’ signed cards, just to get your own creative juices flowing? If all this sounds like something you could use, Resigned to Miracles is your book.

Resigned to Miracles introduces a method for secretly obtaining genuine signatures from one or two spectators on the backs of playing cards. No one suspects these signed cards exist, not even the people who signed them! The signatures are obtained in performance, without backstage technology or copying methods. They are originals, not copies. Armed with these signed cards, extraordinary effects can be yours, effects that no one will expect or can explain.

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