The 21st Century Haunted Pack PDF_5867

The idea of a spectator’s card slowly “crawling” out of the deck dates back several decades. Almost every method for it required some sort of thread, magnets or “secretly hitting the deck”. Then came along a few haunted deck variations that didn’t have these restrictions, but were limited in some other way.

The 21st Century Haunted Pack eliminates any need to worry about lighting or come anywhere near the deck. The effect could be performed behind a panel of glass or even in another room. There are no threads, wires, magnets or anything that’s ever been used in the Haunted Deck previously.

The gimmick for The 21st Century Haunted Pack is one that you probably already have sitting at home and allows for a Haunted Deck never before thought possible. And in this 30 page eBook, every possible difficulty you may have with the effect has been worked out so that you have no trouble performing the effect… But it doesn’t end there. 21st CHP is a principal that you can use for all kinds of different eerie PK effects.

Note from the author:

“I wrote this booklet a few years ago when I performed this effect more than I do now. It’s still one of those that I do occasionally, but it’s kind of fallen out of my repertoire recently.

That being said, I’m constantly coming up with new stuff to do with it, and with your purchase, you get exclusive access to a private forum where I’ll be answering any questions you have about it and posting all kinds of new performance ideas for it.

Hope to see you there!

-Chris Beason

PDF eBook, 30 Pages.

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