Tobias Dostal – Fourfly

Fourfly | Ellusionist

The first time we saw Tobias Dostal perform this in New York we asked him to show us again. And then again. And then we took him with us to show everyone else we could find. This is a masterpiece of card handling, misdirection and finesse – andit’s truly a joy to behold in person.

‘FourFly’ – or as Tobias calls it, ‘Die Kartenwanderung,’ takes clear direction from Chris Kenner’s ‘ThreeFly’, but with a little extra… everything. Cards instead of coins, four ‘teleportations’ rather than three, and super clean, super visual moves that flow with the fluid grace of a classical ballet.

The individual moves in this effect will have you firmly planted in front of a mirror for hours – marvelling at how beautiful – and fooling – the vanishes and productions can be. If read in a book or simply demonstrated, this effect would be daily relegated to the domain of the move-monkey, however with Tobias’s deliberate and easy-to-follow teaching, this is an effect that even a beginner can be performing in under an hour.

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