VANISH Magazine – Criss Angel Special Edition

Boletos Criss Angel Las Vegas

As one of the most famous magicians of our time, Criss Angel knows how to put on a show.

For seven years his show, BeLIEve, was such a popular experience that it became the best-selling magic production in Las Vegas.

His new show, Mindfreak Live!, lives up to the reputation set forth by its predecessor.

Based on his popular A&E television series, MINDFREAK, Angel’s Mindfreak Live! is just as jaw-dropping and revolutionary as the show that inspired it.

Whether you’re a Vegas veteran or are planning your first trip to the strip, Mindfreak Live! is one show not to be missed.

Though the experience is meant to surprise you, read on to learn a little bit about what you can expect from Mindfreak Live!

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